MACD 5.bin
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523 lines
** $VER: multiuser.h 39.14 (29.6.94)
** MultiUser Release 1.8
** multiuser.library definitions
** (C) Copyright 1993-1994 Geert Uytterhoeven
** All Rights Reserved
#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include <exec/types.h>
#endif /* EXEC_TYPES_H */
#ifndef EXEC_LISTS_H
#include <exec/lists.h>
#endif /* EXEC_LISTS_H */
#include <exec/libraries.h>
#endif /* EXEC_LIBRARIES_H */
#include <exec/execbase.h>
#endif /* EXEC_EXECBASE_H */
#ifndef EXEC_PORTS_H
#include <exec/ports.h>
#endif /* EXEC_PORTS_H */
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#endif /* LIBRARIES_DOS_H */
#include <utility/tagitem.h>
#endif /* UTILITY_TAGITEM_H */
#include <libraries/locale.h>
#define MULTIUSERNAME "multiuser.library"
#define MULTIUSERCATALOGNAME "multiuser.catalog"
* Reserved users/groups
* WARNING: a uid may NOT be zero, a gid may be zero
#define muOWNER_NOBODY (0x00000000) /* no rights */
#define muOWNER_SYSTEM (0xffffffff) /* always owner */
#define muMASK_UID (0xffff0000) /* Mask for uid bits */
#define muMASK_GID (0x0000ffff) /* Mask for gid bits */
#define muROOT_UID (0xffff) /* super user uid */
#define muROOT_GID (0xffff) /* super user gid */
#define muNOBODY_UID (0x0000) /* nobody uid */
#define muUSERIDSIZE (32) /* Maximum size for a User ID */
#define muGROUPIDSIZE (32) /* Maximum size for a Group ID */
#define muPASSWORDSIZE (32) /* Maximum size for a Password */
#define muUSERNAMESIZE (220) /* Maximum size for a User Name */
#define muGROUPNAMESIZE (220) /* Maximum size for a Group Name */
#define muHOMEDIRSIZE (256) /* Maximum size for a Home Directory */
#define muSHELLSIZE (256) /* Maximum size for a Shell */
* Password File
* For each user, the Password File must contain a line like this:
* <UserID>|<Password>|<uid>|<gid>|<UserName>|<HomeDir>|<Shell>
* with:
* <UserID> User Login ID (max. muUSERIDSIZE-1 characters)
* <PassKey> Encrypted Password
* <uid> User Number (1 - 65535)
* <gid> Primary Group Number (0 - 65535)
* <UserName> Full User Name (max. muUSERNAMESIZE-1 characters)
* <HomeDir> Home directory (max. muHOMEDIRSIZE-1 characters)
* <Shell> Default Shell (max. muSHELLSIZE-1 characters)
* (not used yet, AS225 compatibility)
#define muPasswd_FileName "passwd" /* for AS225 compatibility */
* Group File
* This file gives more information about the groups and defines
* the secondary groups (other than the primary group) a user
* belongs to. It exists out of two parts, separated by a blank line.
* The first part contains lines with the format:
* <GroupID>|<gid>|<MgrUid>|<GroupName>
* with:
* <GroupID> Group short ID (max. muGROUPIDSIZE-1 characters)
* <gid> Group Number (0 - 65535)
* <MgrUid> User Number of this group's manager, 0 for no
* manager. A group's manager must not belong to the
* group.
* <GroupName> Full Group Name (max. muGROUPNAMESIZE-1 characters)
* NOTE: Not every group must have a line in this file, but at least
* one group must have one.
* The seconds part contains lines with the format:
* <uid>:<gid>[,<gid>...]
* with:
* <uid> User Number (1-65535)
* <gid> Group Number (0 - 65535)
* If you think you'll exceed the maximum line length (circa 1K),
* you may use more than one line per user.
#define muGroup_FileName "MultiUser.group"
* Configuration File
* This file contains lines with options in the form <OPT>=<val>.
* 0 is used for OFF, 1 for ON.
* Defaults to the values between square brackets.
* LIMITDOSSETPROTECTION dos.library/SetProtection() cannot change
* protection bits for GROUP and OTHER [1]
* PROFILE execute the Profile if it exists [1]
* LASTLOGINREQ display the Lastlogin requester [1]
* LOGSTARTUP log startup [0]
* LOGLOGIN log successful logins [0]
* LOGLOGINFAIL log failed logins [0]
* LOGPASSWD log successful password changes [0]
* LOGPASSWDFAIL log failed password changes [0]
* LOGCHECKPASSWD log successful password checks [0]
* LOGCHECKPASSWDFAIL log failed password checks [0]
* PASSWDUIDLEVEL users with a uid greather than or equal to
* <val> can change their passwords [0]
* PASSWDGIDLEVEL users with a gid greather than or equal to
* <val> can change their passwords [0]
* NOTE: if a user has a uid less than the PASSWDUIDLEVEL AND a gid
* less than PASSWDGIDLEVEL he/she is NOT allowed to change
* his/her password!
#define muConfig_FileName "MultiUser.config"
* Log File
#define muLog_FileName "MultiUser.log"
* Lastlogin File
#define muLastLogin_FileName ".lastlogin"
* Profile
#define muProfile_FileName ".profile"
* Plan file
#define muPlan_FileName ".plan"
* Key File
* This file must be present in the root directory of every volume
* that uses the MultiUserFileSystem. It must contain 3 lines:
* - a pseudo random ASCII key (max. 1023 characters).
* - the directory of the password file, if located on this volume,
* otherwise an empty line (no spaces!).
* e.g. ":MultiUser"
* e.g. ":inet/db" for AS225 compatibility
* - the directory of the configuration file, if located on this
* volume, otherwise an empty line (no spaces!).
* e.g. ":MultiUser"
* If there is ANY inconsistency the system will refuse to work!!
#define muKey_FileName ":.MultiUser.keyfile"
* Tags for muLogoutA()
* muLoginA()
* muSetDefProtectionA()
#define muT_Input (TAG_USER+1) /* filehandle - default is Input() */
#define muT_Output (TAG_USER+2) /* filehandle - default is Output() */
#define muT_Graphical (TAG_USER+3) /* boolean - default is FALSE */
#define muT_PubScrName (TAG_USER+4) /* name of public screen */
#define muT_Task (TAG_USER+5) /* task (NOT the name!!) */
#define muT_Own (TAG_USER+6) /* make a task owned by this user */
#define muT_Global (TAG_USER+7) /* change it for all tasks on the */
/* same level as this one */
#define muT_Quiet (TAG_USER+8) /* for muLogoutA(), don't give a */
/* login prompt, simply logout */
#define muT_UserID (TAG_USER+9) /* UserID for muLoginA() */
#define muT_Password (TAG_USER+10) /* Password for muLoginA(), must */
/* be combined with muT_UserID!! */
#define muT_DefProtection (TAG_USER+11) /* Default protection bits */
/* default is RWED GROUP R OTHER R */
#define muT_All (TAG_USER+12) /* for muLogoutA(), logout until */
/* user stack is empty */
#define muT_NoLog (TAG_USER+13) /* for muLoginA(), only root */
* Public User Information Structure
* For future compatibility, you should ALWAYS use muAllocUserInfo()
* to allocate this structure. NEVER do it by yourself!!
struct muUserInfo {
char UserID[muUSERIDSIZE];
UWORD uid;
UWORD gid;
char UserName[muUSERNAMESIZE];
char HomeDir[muHOMEDIRSIZE];
UWORD NumSecGroups; /* Number of Secondary Groups this */
/* user belongs to */
UWORD *SecGroups; /* Points to an array of NumSecGroups */
/* Secondary Group Numbers */
char Shell[muSHELLSIZE];
* Public Group Information Structure
* For future compatibility, you should ALWAYS use muAllocGroupInfo()
* to allocate this structure. NEVER do it by yourself!!
struct muGroupInfo {
char GroupID[muGROUPIDSIZE];
UWORD gid;
UWORD MgrUid; /* Manager of this group */
char GroupName[muGROUPNAMESIZE];
* KeyTypes for muGetUserInfo()
* muGetGroupInfo()
#define muKeyType_First (0)
#define muKeyType_Next (1)
#define muKeyType_gid (4)
* KeyTypes for muGetUserInfo() only
#define muKeyType_UserID (2) /* Case-sensitive */
#define muKeyType_uid (3)
#define muKeyType_gidNext (5)
#define muKeyType_UserName (6) /* Case-insensitive */
#define muKeyType_WUserID (7) /* Case-insensitive, wild cards allowed */
#define muKeyType_WUserName (8) /* Case-insensitive, wild cards allowed */
#define muKeyType_WUserIDNext (9)
#define muKeyType_WUserNameNext (10)
* KeyTypes for muGetGroupInfo() only
#define muKeyType_GroupID (11) /* Case-sensitive */
#define muKeyType_WGroupID (12) /* Case-insensitive, wild cards allowed */
#define muKeyType_WGroupIDNext (13)
#define muKeyType_GroupName (14) /* Case-insensitive */
#define muKeyType_WGroupName (15) /* Case-insensitive, wild cards allowed */
#define muKeyType_WGroupNameNext (16)
#define muKeyType_MgrUid (17)
#define muKeyType_MgrUidNext (18)
* Extended Owner Information Structure
* A pointer to this structure is returned by muGetTaskExtOwner().
* You MUST use muFreeExtOwner() to deallocate it!!
struct muExtOwner {
UWORD uid;
UWORD gid;
UWORD NumSecGroups; /* Number of Secondary Groups this */
/* user belongs too. */
/* NOTE: This structure is followed by a UWORD array containing
* the Secondary Group Numbers
* Use the following macro to access these group numbers,
* e.g. sgid = muSecGroups(extowner)[i];
* Do not use this macro on a NULL pointer!!
#define muSecGroups(x) ((UWORD *)((UBYTE *)x+sizeof(struct muExtOwner)))
* Macro to convert an Extended Owner Information Structure to a ULONG
* (cfr. muGetTaskOwner())
#define muExtOwner2ULONG(x) ((ULONG)(x ? (x)->uid<<16|(x)->gid : muOWNER_NOBODY))
* Packet types (see also <dos/dosextens.h> :-)
/* #define ACTION_SET_OWNER 1036 */
* Protection bits (see also <dos/dos.h> :-)
#define muFIBB_SET_UID (31) /* Change owner during execution */
/* FIBB are bit definitions, FIBF are field definitions */
/* Regular RWED bits are 0 == allowed. */
/* NOTE: GRP and OTR RWED permissions are 0 == not allowed! */
/* #define FIBB_OTR_READ 15 Other: file is readable */
/* #define FIBB_OTR_WRITE 14 Other: file is writable */
/* #define FIBB_OTR_EXECUTE 13 Other: file is executable */
/* #define FIBB_OTR_DELETE 12 Other: prevent file from being deleted */
/* #define FIBB_GRP_READ 11 Group: file is readable */
/* #define FIBB_GRP_WRITE 10 Group: file is writable */
/* #define FIBB_GRP_EXECUTE 9 Group: file is executable */
/* #define FIBB_GRP_DELETE 8 Group: prevent file from being deleted */
/* #define FIBB_SCRIPT 6 program is a script (execute) file */
/* #define FIBB_PURE 5 program is reentrant and rexecutable */
/* #define FIBB_ARCHIVE 4 cleared whenever file is changed */
/* #define FIBB_READ 3 ignored by old filesystem */
/* #define FIBB_WRITE 2 ignored by old filesystem */
/* #define FIBB_EXECUTE 1 ignored by system, used by Shell */
/* #define FIBB_DELETE 0 prevent file from being deleted */
#define muFIBF_SET_UID (1<<muFIBB_SET_UID)
/* #define FIBF_OTR_READ (1<<FIBB_OTR_READ) */
/* #define FIBF_OTR_WRITE (1<<FIBB_OTR_WRITE) */
/* #define FIBF_GRP_READ (1<<FIBB_GRP_READ) */
/* #define FIBF_GRP_WRITE (1<<FIBB_GRP_WRITE) */
/* #define FIBF_SCRIPT (1<<FIBB_SCRIPT) */
/* #define FIBF_PURE (1<<FIBB_PURE) */
/* #define FIBF_ARCHIVE (1<<FIBB_ARCHIVE) */
/* #define FIBF_READ (1<<FIBB_READ) */
/* #define FIBF_WRITE (1<<FIBB_WRITE) */
/* #define FIBF_EXECUTE (1<<FIBB_EXECUTE) */
/* #define FIBF_DELETE (1<<FIBB_DELETE) */
* Default Protection Bits
* Relations returned by muGetRelationshipA()
#define muRelB_ROOT_UID (0) /* User == super user */
#define muRelB_ROOT_GID (1) /* User belongs to the super user group */
#define muRelB_NOBODY (2) /* User == nobody */
#define muRelB_UID_MATCH (3) /* User == owner */
#define muRelB_GID_MATCH (4) /* User belongs to owner group */
#define muRelB_PRIM_GID (5) /* User's primary group == owner group */
#define muRelB_NO_OWNER (6) /* Owner == nobody */
#define muRelF_ROOT_UID (1<<muRelB_ROOT_UID)
#define muRelF_ROOT_GID (1<<muRelB_ROOT_GID)
#define muRelF_NOBODY (1<<muRelB_NOBODY)
#define muRelF_UID_MATCH (1<<muRelB_UID_MATCH)
#define muRelF_GID_MATCH (1<<muRelB_GID_MATCH)
#define muRelF_PRIM_GID (1<<muRelB_PRIM_GID)
#define muRelF_NO_OWNER (1<<muRelB_NO_OWNER)
* Monitor Structure
* The use of this structure is restricted to root.
* Do not modify or reuse this structure while it is active!
struct muMonitor {
struct MinNode Node;
ULONG Mode; /* see definitions below */
ULONG Triggers; /* see definitions below */
union {
struct { /* for SEND_SIGNAL */
struct Task *Task;
ULONG SignalNum;
} Signal;
struct { /* for SEND_MESSAGE */
struct MsgPort *Port;
} Message;
/* NOTE: This structure may be extended in future! */
* Monitor Modes
#define muMon_IGNORE (0)
#define muMon_SEND_SIGNAL (1)
#define muMon_SEND_MESSAGE (2)
* Monitor Message
* Sent to the application if SEND_MESSAGE is specified.
* Do NOT forget to reply!
struct muMonMsg {
struct Message ExecMsg;
struct muMonitor *Monitor; /* The monitor that sent the message */
ULONG Trigger; /* The trigger that caused the message */
char UserID[muUSERIDSIZE];
* Monitor Triggers
#define muTrgB_OwnerChange (0) /* Task Owner Change */
/* From: uid of old user */
/* To: uid of new user */
#define muTrgB_Login (1) /* successful Login/Logout */
/* From: uid of old user */
/* To: uid of new user */
/* UserID: UserID of new user */
#define muTrgB_LoginFail (2) /* unsuccessful Login/Logout */
/* From: uid of old user */
/* UserID: UserID of new user */
#define muTrgB_Passwd (3) /* successful Passwd */
/* From: uid of user */
#define muTrgB_PasswdFail (4) /* unsuccessful Passwd */
/* From: uid of user */
#define muTrgB_CheckPasswd (5) /* successful CheckPasswd */
/* From: uid of user */
#define muTrgB_CheckPasswdFail (6) /* unsuccessful CheckPasswd */
/* From: uid of user */
#define muTrgF_OwnerChange (1<<muTrgB_OwnerChange)
#define muTrgF_Login (1<<muTrgB_Login)
#define muTrgF_LoginFail (1<<muTrgB_LoginFail)
#define muTrgF_Passwd (1<<muTrgB_Passwd)
#define muTrgF_PasswdFail (1<<muTrgB_PasswdFail)
#define muTrgF_CheckPasswd (1<<muTrgB_CheckPasswd)
#define muTrgF_CheckPasswdFail (1<<muTrgB_CheckPasswdFail)